Day two started out perfect. We rented a BMW and ate breakfast at the cliff house. The first Cliff House was a modest structure built in 1863, then they upgraded to a castle(well it looked like one) then in 1894 a fire burned it down and they rebuilt it to what it is today. You will see it in my pictures. Anyway the food there is amazing... as is most the food in SF!! It is very rich so get your stomachs ready!! Its so pretty because they seat you by the window and your over the water and you see all the marine life. They said that in November the whales come and are easily seen. So if you are ever there in November eat at the cliff house. There is a long beach right next to the cliff house and there surfers out in water. The waves were huge. After the cliff house we went drove around the city and visited the "full house" house and the park around it. There is a place where people bring their shoes and plant something in it, it was very strange. We also drove around golden gate park and it is beautiful! We also went to hippieville... Haight and Ashbury district, it was pretty cool to see as well. That night we went to an A's game over in Oakland. They lost but it was still fun to see. Ron got us seats on row 15 it was awesome!
Day three was also great!! First Ron made us breakfeast then we headed out to the farmers market!! It was so much fun. We tried all kinds of sample's if I lived there I would buy all of my fruit and veggies there, they are so fresh! Then we went to union square and to the mall and walked around. I had to get some shopping in while I was there :) Then we went took the muni down to the best chinese food place i have ever been to. It is so good that the locals like to keep it a secret. then we went off to the beach. We stayed at the beach for a while and got some cool pics. The water was soooo cold!! Then we headed back to town to get ready for dinner and wicked!!! We had dinner at this Itialian place that served "real" itialian food it was amazing. We then went to wicked, it was an awesome play and the theater itself was something cool to see. Even Jacob and Ron liked it!!
Thank you Ron for such an amazing trip. You really made it special for us and we love you very much!!! Let me just say San Francisco has the BEST FOOD of anywhere I have ever been!!! I now am 20 pounds heavier....haha j/k